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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  January 8, 2014 7:00am-10:01am PST

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the bells a 14 off to a fatal starts. the only weak into the new year and more accidents are occurring. all have full details coming up. this morning on the kron 4 morning news. another person killed on the streets in san francisco. in the sixth for the start and a traffic center with george rask he had some hot spots. >>george: the first of which is here on interstate 80 and highway 4 in the westbound direction. the accident actually occurred on the connecting ramp from westbound for on to westbound 80 and now one lane of the 80 is blocked.
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that's why it's backing up coming from the skylight. we continue to have delays on westbound 24 coming out of the caldecott heading into rock creek dam berkeley because of an accident that occurred just outside the caldecott tunnel and we are going to go back from the drive of the dove bars and bridge because now it's reported all lanes are blocked eastbound on highway 84. but it is somehow affecting the ride on the 80 southbound. i am still try to figure out how that is. >>erica: it is a much warmer start this morning. a lot of 50s out the door. some upper 30's and the north bay but some of us waking up to bury
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their clout conditions fault or drizzle. into the afternoon a much cooler afternoon as an store. we have a chance for sprinkles tomorrow. all of the two- year 7 day around the bay coming up at 715. the sixth pedestrian struck by a car in the past week and the third to die from such an accident. kron4's will tran is live in san francisco with the latest that happened in this most recent case. >>will: the police department says and does recent case, this person was actually jaywalking on the other side of van nest try to get to decide where i'm located. he made it six out of the seven lanes and got hit on the seventh lane here by a woman in her twenties driving along from the left side of your screen to the right side of your screen. here's video that we got.
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this actually happened around 620 last night at the height of the evening commute. van ness this all--always busy but it especially during this time. the man described to be in his late 30's. across the street he got into some sort of verbal confrontation with another couple and then left the couple weeks his way across van ness street made it to the center median and then had only three lanes are left to go. only made it to more of lanes and was struck by this person. the woman pulled over after windshield was shattered. there was a big dent in the front of her car so we don't know how fast she was going at the time. she did pullover. she is cooperating with the police department. they believe the drugs or alcohol played any role in this. the believe it was a simple accident where this person wasn't in the crosswalk they did not see the driver and the driver did not see this person to read the >>will: back to
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>>: last i was the third pedestrian fatal accidents since 2014. and we're keeping an eye on any travel delays and cancellations brought on by the bitter cold in the midwest and out east. and here's a live look at stormtracker four. some sprinkles spotted in parts of the bay area this morning but the lack of rain continues.
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our top story this morning. a car hit and killed a pedestrian last night in san francisco near city hall. the victim is the sixth pedestrian. hit by a car in san francisco in the past week, and the third death. we begin with the latest circumstances. the arctic blast is easing its grip on much of the u-s today, giving way to warmer, but still very chilly temperatures in many places. powerful video out of upstate new york where the state has been experiencing
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blizzard conditions and strong, arctic air. at least 21 deaths are being blamed on the cold weather across the u-s. including seven people in illinois and six in indiana. though many flights are canceled in chicago, cleveland and detroit.the cold is starting to have less of an effect here in the bay.
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bulldog: the red tags mean the red tags mean save up to 40% on clearance mattresses. get up to $300 off serta, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic. puppy: i found a red tag! ha-ha-ha! bulldog: mattress discounters' year end clearance sale ends soon. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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a 48-year-old woman from contra costa county has died from complications from the flu. county health officials say the woman had underlying health conditions in addition to being infected with the h-1-n-1 virus. the woman's name is not being released. but we know
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she was one of 17 people under 65 years old in contra costa county to be hospitalized with the flu this season. camp mather will reopen this summer after being damaged in the rim fire. the camp reports they "largely survived" the fire you see in this video that ripped through yosemite and stainislaus national forest in august. registration for campers is now open.and closes february seventh. >>: coming up. >>: i guess he had a restraining order and he attacked. >>: we go more in depth with markets--marcu s malone. [ female announcer it's a mountain grown mornin with folgers lively colo
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welcoming the sunrise wit a taste of vanilla biscotti. whether it's one c or a full carafe turn any day gourm with folgers gourmet selections
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712 is the time. look at these children enjoy a recess because this is the only way they know how. that he doesn't have a coat on. >>: crazy. there used to this. imagine having school recess in the dark. at denali elementary and fairbanks alaska students enjoy outdoor play time at the start of the day. of course there's very little sunlight in alaska this time of year. later on, they took
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advantage of more playtime during recess. it's nothing new. happens every day in freezing temperatures the cut off the -20 degrees. the school's principal says he checks the temperature himself each day by going outside to look at three different thermometers. the >>james: and here's what it looks like in milwaukee, wisconsin were portions of lake michigan are frozen over and stick-testing is coming off the water. wind chill temperatures plunged to 35 to 55 degrees below zero. the bitter cold also closed down all nonessential city services and milwaukee including garbage and recycling pickup. let's get over to the up traffic center. >>george: westbound highway for westmount 80 have a backup. an earlier occurring problems at the caldecott tunnel westbound on highway 24 still slowing the ride coming out of orinda. there's an accident heading from the dumbarton bridge
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eastbound on highway 84. it is low on 880 all the way out of hayward through union city and into fremont. the bridges however pitcher bay bridge ride. now much back up here. slowing confined to the right hand lanes. here san mateo bridge ride when 92 is definitely a holding up. the drive time 13 to 50 minutes for the westbound a ride. >>erica: people heading over to the san mateo bridge can expect cloudiness. san francisco 53 out of the house. looks like you don't need the extra layers this morning the visibility is pretty bad. expect part
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beclouded to mostly cloudy conditions. a sunnyvale to a high of 60. temperatures returning to about average. upper 50s and vallejo low 60s and walnut creek castro valley 59 and 58 degrees in pittsburgh. was the upper 50s and downtown san francisco oakland today high of 61. we do have a system heading our way a pretty weak cold front. i think it could pass over the bay area and to tomorrow morning. especially the north bay. perhaps a few sprinkles more of the golden gate bridge. we increased the likelihood of rain.
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high-pressure rebuilt by sunday. we will continue with warmer weather and to next week and back by tuesday looks like some of us can read some records with temperatures in the '70s. >>james: are stanley roberts it's down 101 with mark is the magnificent malone once homeless former band member of santana. in part to of this series stanley asks markets some difficult life questions and story you only see on kron4. >>: me and carlos were working on years ago a song called primitive. >>: marcus doesn't know it but the bond but his plan is one of the original instrument from the blues band. i continued my conversation with markets or
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ask him some rather difficult questions. >>pam: he spent some time in jail and they have a lot of questions on what took place. do you want to talk about it? >>: i don't mind. i went to jail for having an encounter with somebody that thought i was doing something that i was not supposed to do. actually a happened on the fourth of july when the answer that jumped off. i had just drove into town from a recording session and went into a town where nichols were meeting for a session. all of a sudden the door came off and the man i guess that gillette's and possessive of for a woman. he had a restraining order and he attacked her. it was brutalizing for so that so
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when i intervened he turned on me and attacked me. all i did was try to defend myself the best i could but the man was a professional wrestler and all this stuff. he almost killed me. >>: i was able to handle myself pretty well. it turned into a terrible situation. >>: >>: i always try to do better and whenever i was doing three >>: what did carlos did you
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in that envelope. >>: i can tell you exactly what it was but it was a wonderful surprise. i bought some equipment and i helped my family out. best in san francisco stanley roberts kron4 knows. >>darya: take a look at this video. a truck flu over-off an overpass landing in a pond in minnesota. the driver is going to be ok. a state department of transportation surveillance camera captured the remarkable incident and the town of little canada. the vehicle flies over the guardrail twists mid air and land and a holding pond 40 ft. below the truck narrowly missed getting hit by oncoming traffic. the 54
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year-old driver was wearing a seat belt. she was conscious when help arrived there remains after condition at a hospital. the state patrol says black eyes may be the cause of the crash. >>james: when we come back dennis rodman sings a happy birthday. and here's a live look outside. parts of a camera slow and go here as folks at all for the morning commute. ♪ should not all those presents make the cut ♪ ♪ no need to chk, donate or burn them ♪
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♪ just pack thein our flat rate b ♪ ♪ we'll come to your dr and return them ♪ ♪ gifts you bout but never gave away ♪ ♪ or said you liked but thought were cheesy ♪ ♪ you don't even need to leave your house ♪ ♪ we'll come and take them, easy-pea ♪ [ female announcer ] no one returns the holids like the u.s. postal servi. with improved priority il flat ra, just print a label, schedule a pickup and return those gifts at a same low flat re.
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just print a label, schedule a pickup anncr: at jennie-o we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you.
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welcome back. dennis rodman seems happy birthday to north korean leader kim jong un as he and other former nba players are in pyongyang right now. >>: happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. happy birthday... rodman sank at to a-sang at a pyongyang stadium for a game he said is part of his basketball diplomacy with the no. that's just what the north that has been heavily criticized in the united states. rodman decided today's game to his--de
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dicated today's game to his best friend kim, along with his wife and other senior officials and their wives watched them from the a special seating area. alex trebek is a known for wrapping but in a category about rap lyrics to pops he starts getting into it. --hip hop. who is dr. dry. the 73 year- old canadian american game show host and again at once for showing his hipper side. >>james: and the story from the national revenue service says there has been a big jump in thieves stealing social security numbers to
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claim tax refunds. the agency says it launched nearly 1500 criminal investigations into identity theft last year 66% increase from the year before. prosecutions in indictments more than doubled. the numbers dwarf those from just two years ago. and all, the agency says it has flagged 14.6 million suspicious tax returns since 2011, blocking more than $50 billion in fraudulent refunds. >>anny: here is a new app you might want to get into. one of twisters co-founders has come up with a new smart phone app. it's called jelly and it's a formal base question and answer app from the san francisco startup critic last year by biz stone. the idea is, if you have a question about something you take a photo of its in posted asking people from your social network to help you answer it. jelly is free and available for iphones and android phones.
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some discouraging news about kids and fitness many of them are not embracing the let's move on mantra. the government's latest in this data shows only one in four kids and the u.s. are meeting the recommendations of an hour or more of moderate to vigorous activity every day. in view of the children ages 12 to 15 did say they do at least an hour of exercise their rights as their heart rate. researchers will call the results disappointing but say there's room for improvement. now, 17 percent of the nation's children or about 12.5 million kids are considered obese. we'll take a break at 727 freak we will be back with more in a minute for it among our top stories of that nasty weather going on out east with the frigid conditions we are dealing with. we'll have more pictures and a detailed reports and here's a live look from our san mateo bridge camera work traffic is slow but at least moving across highway 92.
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more on your commute and an omg, jack. have you ever checked out these new product ideas people post on your page? they're kind of amaze. yeah - that's where i got the ideas for my new- fajita ranch melt. seasoned chicken with a gooey blend of pepper jack cheese, roasted peppers and onions, on toasted sourdough for just $3.99. is that where you also got the idea for that clock bracelet you always wear? my watch? no...these were invented a long time ago. like in the 80's?
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for a smart return to school box tops offer! buy ten participating box tops items in a single visit and earn sixty bonus box tops! that's six dollars for your school! plus, shop at safeway to collect double box tops on specially-marked packages. learn more at here's what's new at safeway from general mills! start the day off right with these delicious big g cereals! or try yoplait greek yogurt! power up with nature valley and fiber one snacks!
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and enjoy tasty progresso heart healthy soups. find these and other great general mills products at safeway today! >> welcome back. the time is 7:29 a.m.. here is a live look at the bay bridge. george has a hot spot and will have more information on that. >> still in the grips of the arctic blast, mother nature is adding extremes note to the mix. the numbers speak for themselves, some of the zero and single-digit wind chills in the northeast and midwest. now there are a blizzard like conditions in upstate new york, with the buffalo area experiencing 2 ft. of snow. pell brown reports. >>pamela brown reports.
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>> people waited, they had to use snowmobiles to rescue stranded drivers. >> this is still a very life-threatening blizzard with this cold and lake affect snow happens when cold air passes. the cold air sucks up the moisture and heat and locks again. >> adding to the misery is the windshield plummeting to 20 degrees below zero. at mass up snow storm. >> i cannot last much longer out here. >> allows the is reported below freezing temperatures on tuesday. and missouri, power lines collapsed. 1000 passengers were delayed for hours. the windshield was so
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cold that the zoo animals has been brought in in washington. >> the temperatures are too cold for the animals. the bone chilling cold for schools to close and thousands of slides or also canceled. i see rows are making driving terrifying. >> the time his seventh 30 1:00 a.m.. >>is 7:31 a.m.. >> there is an accident at seventh street just before the left and line. this is likely over time. look at what it has done to the ride. it brought it to a standstill. this is a gem of the commute, the 280 extension is a better option for you. you can bell out at
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cesar chavez northbound off the james lick freeway. if try to get to the bay bridge you want to use the 280 extension and then get back on the sky way after the accident. malignealign it is a major problem and it is likely to continue to get worse. >> also, there's a hot spot of the upper east shore freeway because we're still having problems here were a vehicle fire and overturn accident is jammed up the ride. big delays through hayward, fremont and milpitas. the eastbound crashed off the dumbarton bridge is not a concern but it has been a couple of weeks since we have seen traffic like this. this is from 238 all the way to mission boulevard. >> leaving the house right
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now it is a little cloudy and we do have areas of mist and drizzle. the temperatures are all-out war in fact most of us are in the '50s. by 3:00 p.m. it will be cloudy with upper 50's, low 60's. upper 40's by 8:00 p.m.. i will have a full details of the rain in the forecast coming up. >> a judge and santa clara county has ordered large paint companies to pay $60 million to remove lead paint from california homes. the payout is up to $1.5 billion spread the court found sherman williams and other companies promoted payne said they knew were harmful to children the citizen oakland will get the money. >> a burglar got away with about a hundred thousand
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dollars that they hid in hillsborough. one person entered the home by breaking a glass door. they smashed the back door in. they picked arrive house because it was coins and ensuring that they took from the back room. they also took things from an office and fled through the front door. a home like that you would think would have a alarm but it was not turned on. >> darman to cash out of the locker in december. there was surveillance video. his described as a pacific islander or hispanic. he is 6 ft. 2 in. tall with a muscular build. he possibly has tattoos on his right bicep and neck. daly city would love to hear from you if you know any information. >> wednesday, we're just four days away from the 49ers' a matchup against the packers. we're finding it
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controversy in the strangest places. the panthers have taken exception to the man who offered the 49ers' some inspiration and green bay. the former wrestling champion gave a pregame speech to the 49ers. he upset some panthers players because he stated that he will cheer for san francisco. >> it is very unfortunate for the panthers. that is his fault. they will have to take desperate >> the panthers wide receiver steve smith, who once bought a road from his wrastling days stated that he considered him a friend but he is disappointed in his speech. >> the panthers used to play clips on the scoreboard
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told excite the crowd. now and the team is are likely to continue in the association with him. that golden gate bridge, has been burned. >> the time is 7:36 a.m.. the mayors of san francisco in charlotte have made a friendly wager over the 49ers' playoff game with the packers. if the 49ers' win, charlotte mayor patrick can will have to wear 49ers gear at the u.s. conference of mayors later this month and he must also give sampras's go mayor ed lee some of charlotte's a salmons of barbeque pulled pork perianth if the panthers went, merely will be done panthers' colors, and surrender some sourdough and derek daly chocolate to mere cannon. >> that is what i 0the time is .
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we will be right back.
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>> welcome back. we are tracking hot spots this morning in sampras's corporate northbound traffic on the james lick freeway is jammed to before 280 interchange. there is an accident on the sky way. this is all the way to octavia street freeway. here's a live look at the incident in hercules. westbound interstate 80, the right lane has just been reopened. the traffic is still backed up becoming to
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the sky way. i will have it complete check of the traffic we continue. good. good answer.
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. >> welcome back. kron4 is the home of the hot spots. there are a lot of people at home. take a look at this ride into san francisco. we are the jammed along with the candlestick leading up to 280. we're back up onto a north palm. the traffic is at a standstill. bay and
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boss centro freeway. you can say it is backed up all the way to the expressway. there's an accident blocking the lane. there is another overturned just clearing on the connecting rod. there was also a vehicle fire on westbound highway 4 come from here on to interstate 80. the right lane was shut down and it backed up the traffic on 80 west and also the traffic on franklin canyon. here is a look at the back up. it is now back up into crockett. >> we continue to monitor this extremely slow ride or, walnut creek interchange, westbound 24 and south bound to 42. it is very slow through the fremont milpitas corridor. it is slow all the
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way down on the nimitz. the bay bridge has no backup for delays. that is an easy ride in the golden gate bridge is clear and here is a live look at the san mateo bridge. the volume is up and the speed is down. the drive time is some of between 13 and 15 minutes. >> it is a cloud start for most o also saw a drizzle. north bay, east bay a lot of us walked up to some bad conditions. this is a gorgeous shot from our roof cam. the clouds are starting to lift. the temperatures are not too bed. some of us are actually 12 degrees warmer than where we were 24 hours ago. we have clouds that are passing through. we're also seeing an onshore flow. we saw traces of rain reported.
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there is a very weak coal from the pastoral early tomorrow morning and it could bring a few sprinkles. most of any thing that will fall will evaporate. >> in terms of your afternoon high, upper 50's, low 60's. 57 degrees for san francisco. this weekend if you're going to the 49ers game against the panthers the kickoff is set to 05 our time. a chance for showers and you should bring your reindeer. we're looking at the possibility of showers saturday a 20% chance. >> pass that we're in the clear. plenty of sunshine and '70's next week. >> your snow bomb ski report shows alpine medals with the base of 20 in. and
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21 for squaw valley. kirkwood has 22 in.. >> good morning gary. >> i am going to guide you through the fun stratrain ride through sports. >> i want to stay on track. first off, the warriors' youwill play the brooklyn that spreadnets. >> there on the track. >> he stated that he was born to get a cool reception. what actually comes out was something good to say. >> he used to play in milwaukee. >> the raiders are born to give a called a another chance next year.
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>> now we're talking 49ers. >> here is the deal, and should know, i am a big fan, you are a big san. they are joined their command cave- session >>msnan cave. >> it is late in the fourth quarter. >> did you see this man? >> yes, they hunt to born when he--when the drive by. >> as a woman, i looked at him and i know this is a great idea. he watches the game from his driveway. >> i am not mistaken, this is jim, leisure do the same thing. >> all i am saying is that he should put that junk in
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his garage. this is what we do as women. better yet, what ever, he actually has been convinced to watch the game from his dry wit. i wish him the best clutch. >> i guess it just puts his tv outside. >> he is actually saying that it is a good idea and people will go by and honk their horns. >> they have actually driven by and said hello to him. >> i think this is a great story. >> are really believe, he stated this will be his last year duendes.doing this. >> well, this could be if for the 49ers, this is do- or-die. >> they have to win two more problem role pripet if new orleans beat seattle, but as expected, seattle
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wins, best of our part. can you do with three times on the road? >> this matchup will be tough enough. then they have to play the home team, the homeboy matchup. you have andrew look from stanford facing off tom murray. you know i always go for tom. >> his wife was on the jimmy fallon show less my. >> i give her credit. she has a great personality. >> she could ever do no wrong. >> when she made that statement " her husband cannot throw the ball and catch it? >> well, entrances luck can do what all. >> it's like luck that
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officer. he parted the red sea, ticket and iran and a touchdown. >> >> onecomall of those quarterbacks, grissom, he came out the same time, he is the best one. >> that is what they're saying. maligned i cannot show you the highlights. >> as the coach said it was that bad. >> that was a beating. so we have this to look at. that will be exciting. >> i am very excited. i just do not know what will happen. maligned i would have figured, this guy is ready to go. >> his parents, have big
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money, the drive mercedes, they haven't liner run the country. he was at a party with jay-z on new year's. >> they stated that he did hire a agent for it, it was actually lebron. >> we will talk about this tomorrow. >> i was tweet to. >you. >> i know as a friend, the two would never wear jeans. but, would you wher warear pink jean shorts? >> the this video, he should have been arrested for this. >> they just released this-
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camera video. he is wearing pink jean shorts. >> his mother was a car, his police officers stated that he would kill his mom driving offense. >> seriously, been arrested for this fashion. i'm just trying to keep you up-to- date. >> all i want to know if he could hit the ball. >> just make a go away. >> showing him handcuffed, his mother and a car. >> he chose to speak.t speedo \.
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progress-oh! -oh! -oh! oh! oh! ♪ what do you know? oh! ♪ bacon? -oh! -oh! oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your story for a chance to win a progress-oh! makeover in hollywood. go to to enter.
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>> welcome back carry it we have to hot spots that we have been tracking. it is
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better news for both. in san francisco, the sky way, westbound, eased down at seven the. but to laugh lines were just cleared and traffic is backed up beyond candlestick point. here on interstate--the accident has just been cleared from the roadway. a person has been taken into custody and will have details when we taken into custody and will have details when we continuegood. good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear.
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i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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>> there has been another fatal accident in downtown san francisco. this is the sixth accident this year. >> here is a live look from storm tracker 4. there are sprinkles and will get a complete update. >> we're keeping an eye on travel because of the storms in the midwest. we will be right back correc.
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>> we have you covered. we will go straight to george to get an update on a hot spot. >> we are monitoring and delays on the upper east shore freeway as well as through san francisco. kron4 jackie sissel is up and hercules were an accident cleared. >> it was a messy scene. the good news is that they have cleared this accident. the bad news is that it will not help a lot of commuters. you can see that this is the or grant from west bound for going to a highway 80. the chp stated get a car slammed into the back of a big rig. it slammed into several
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other cars and then hit a car that flips over. it also caught on fire that caused a huge backlog. no one was hurt, we are being told that the driver of the convertible, sports car that caught on fire was taken into custody of hit and run. but, right now it is starting to clear if you are coming from highway 4, you will be stuck in traffic. the on ramp is blocked. i think the damage has been done. >> we will take a look at that back up one and a state 80, a westbound direction believe it or not, things are clear now. all these lanes have been reopened. the other hotspot is here on interstate 80, the westbound direction. let's see if we can move the map closer. this was of the sky
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way, and accident blocked traffic at seventh street pripet it was cleared from the line but look at what it has done. it has backed this all the way to the sierra point. to wait is backing up towards 19th ave. >> this backup will take a while to clear. one of the bright spots this is right westbound where there is no backup for delays. >> it is cloudy skies and mild temperatures and most of us are heading out to the '50s. in the afternoon will not see much so you can expect a high of the upper 50's, low 60's by 3:00 p.m.. the clouds will remain and perhaps more drizzle by letter on to my. we may see a few sprinkles for it i will have details on what to expect coming up. >> our top story comes from san francisco where a car hit and killed a pedestrian
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last night near city hall. this did some is the sixth pedestrian that was hit. kron4 will tran is live. >> this person died on the saying and he was actually on van ness right behind me. he was not in the crosswalk area. he was actually jaywalking from the other side of venice. he was going from there to my location. he actually-gesture is video that we received. it was as 6:20 p.m.. and then as is always busy. he was in some sort of verbal confrontation with someone across the street. nothing physical but he left and he tried to norcross. he actually made it across to the medium. he
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only had three more lanes to go and then he went to more lance, when he was a few feet away, a driver described as a woman in her 20's slammed into him, she immediately pulled over and try to help. the police do not believe that all or drugs played a role, she told officers what happened, it turned out that she did not see him, he did not see her. >> he is described to bid his late 30's, his name has not been released. if you do the math san francisco is always having an accident every day. we're off to a very fast start, very deadly start
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>> in oakland this morning
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investigators will not release it so of the vehicle that they believe is connected with the death of a young man last summer. aya nakano was shot and killed after a fender bender in june of last year and just one day before his 23rd birthday. the family is offering a $1,000 reward. >> a lawsuit has been filed by the family of anandy lopez. they are making new revelations about how long the sonoma county sheriff waited before he fatally shot the 13 year-old. according to the lawsuit, two witnesses are stating that the deputy only waited three seconds before he fire. the attorney for the deputy of sonoma county have not offered any comment on the lawsuit.
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>> check out this video out of chicago. a car is spinning out of control and freeway due to icing conditions creek bart a glass is easing its grip on much of usa today. at least 21 deaths have been blamed on this cold weather across the united states. >> coming up on the kron4 morning the icy grip on much of the country is not letting up but not by much. it is so cold one city, a water main break turns into this. >> plus, traffic cameras catch seems like this because of the ice and snow. a trucks slid right off of the overpass what happened next is still ahead. >> from too cold, too hot.
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the big decision to build a huge summer sporting event to the winter months. we will have more than we continue. female announcer: female announcer: it's time to make room for the new mattress models during sleep train's huge year end clearance sale. get beautyrest, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic mattress sets, at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators and closeout inventory. plus, free same-day delivery, set up and removal of your old set. why wait for the new models? sleep train's year end clearance sale is on now. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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>> welcome back. the time is 8:10 a.m.. the launch of the first commercial cargo supply mission to the international space station from the east coast has been scrubbed. officials old or built science corp. announced that that interest launch team postponed the launch due to an unusually high level of space radiation. nasa and outside experts in the field of space weather will monitor the levels of space radiation with the goal of launching tomorrow afternoon. >> the director of the national intelligence is considering changing to the national security agency program that comes under
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fire since the edward snowden leaks. under one proposal, the national security agency may decide to stop storing telephone data. president obama will hold meetings on the potential for form today. >> it was three years ago today gabrielle giffords was shot and six others were killed at a political yvette in tucson, arizona. the anniversary will be marked to they would bell ringing and other ceremonies three years ago she was shot, she still is struggling to speak and walk. she has become a leader of americans for responsible solutions, a national organization that she founded with her husband, mark kelly, to rival the pro-gun lobby. >> a 48 year-old woman from
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contra costa up for county has died from complications from the flu. county health officials said that the woman had underlined health conditions in addition to being infected with the h1n1 virus. the woman's name has not been released. maligne >> here is a live look outside. we will have more information on the story coming up. >> we also have information about dennis rodman coming >> we also have information about dennis rodman coming u♪ should not all those presents make the cut ♪ ♪ no need to chk, donate or burn them ♪ ♪ just pack thein our flat rate b ♪ ♪ we'll come to your dr and return them ♪ ♪ gifts you bout but never gave away ♪ ♪ or said you liked but thought were cheesy ♪ ♪ you don't even need to leave your house ♪
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♪ we'll come and take them, easy-pea ♪ [ female announcer ] no one returns the holids like the u.s. postal servi. with improved priority il flat ra, just print a label, schedule a pickup and return those gifts at a same low flat re. bulldog: the red tags mean the red tags mean save up to 40% on clearance mattresses. get up to $300 off serta, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic. puppy: i found a red tag! ha-ha-ha! bulldog: mattress discounters' year end clearance sale ends soon.
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because for every 2 pounds y lose through diet and exercise alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. start now at ♪ start now at so you can get cash back on all your purchases. so you can use your cash back... to follow your dream.
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so you... can save the day. chase freedom. so you can. >> dennis rodman sings " happy birthday " to a north korean leader kim jong un as he and other former nba players are in pyongyang right now. >> he sang at 8 stadium for a game he said is part of his " a basketball diplomacy
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" with the north that has been heavily criticized in the united states. rodman dedicated today's game to his best friend kim, who along with his wife and other senior officials and their wives watched for a special seating area. maligned and american >> and american who has been hailed in the united arab emirates for roughly nine months is expected to be released. in december, he was sentenced to one year in prison, a fine and deportation. u.s. state department spokeswoman confirmed that he has been told to a deportation facility for processing should be home in a few days. maligned th 2022
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>> the 2022 world cup will be held in quak. qatar. there is a lot of concern because it is just too hot over there in the summer. the world cup is traditionally held in june and july. but the intensity is a leading fifa to push back the world cup. it is all to keep players and fans healthy. >> 100,000 matbats have fallen from the sky and died do to a heat wave in australia. a heat wave
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across the north east queen slqueens land has caused mass death of flying foxes from an estimated 25 colonies. health experts have warned residents not to touch the dead creatures. at least 16 people have been receiving anti-viral treatment. >> new this morning a water main break in metro atlanta forced a thousand gallons of water and made sort of ice geyser. police anin dunwoddy, george assess the crews are working in the area and duggan hold to expose a pipe. a few hours later, the pipe burst and below freezing temperature.
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nearby senses and power poles also covered with ice. the road was closed unsalted while the crews shut down the water. >> it is so cold that it seems just about everyone is reaching for a metaphor, and are obscure factoid or descriptive terms. here are some of our favorites. >> it is so cold that you could warm-up in siberia! technically, that is true, because siberia is huge. >> it is so cold, it is colder than the surface of mars! in some places and minnesota, it is actually colder than some of the daily temperatures on the red planet. >> that is a the summertimes
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there, though. nasa says adorn the mars winter, they can get as cold as 225 degrees below zero. >> it is so cold it is a trend in on twitter. a lot of punch lines are making light of the icebox of the rest of the country has seen. >> >> again, there are less clear to but is still backed up. it is still heavy on 80 westbound leading to the interchange in hercules. there's an overturned vehicles fire that jammed up the traffic on 80 almost into vallejo. we continue to have problems on the shore freeway at carlson. south 680 is still heavy and a san leandro, milpitas corridor, the nimitz freeway is still backed up to mission boulevard. >> looking at their bridges, the bay bridge ride has been easy, golden gate has been
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problem free and your ride to the san mateo bridge, no stop and go conditions so far this morning. >> good morning. on this wednesday morning we are waking up to cloud skies it is done is done by outside and a lot of the drizzle has stopped. the temperatures are mainly in the '50s and so it is not as cold. you will not need a lot of layers. 51 degrees for oakland and 52 degrees in livermore. it looks like the fault has picked up and the visibility is down to zero. you're really not say much on high 1 to rhighway 1 01. as e head into afternoon the clouds would be pockets of sunshine. we will not see the warm temperatures. sunday there will have a high of 60. the 58 degrees
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for fremont. the temperatures are pretty normal. danville will have a high of 56 degrees. menlo 60's for the east bay shoreline. in downtown san francisco have a high of 57. 59 degrees will be your number 4 petaluma and santa rosa. >> futurecast 4 shows the clouds will continue. another system is going to pass. i did most of the mosher will evaporate before it hit the ground. past that, the next best chance of rain is and we can and you will see this on your 7 day or around the bay. a 20% chance on saturday and pass that we're back in sunshine and yes, the temperatures will be in the '70s. >> the time is 8:23 a.m.. here's a live look at the [ female announcer ] it's a mountain grown morning with folgers lively colombian.
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it's deliciously dark, just before dawn. it's welcoming the sunrise with a taste of vanilla biscott with folgers gourmet selections, you can enjoy a variety of roasts and flavors from one perfectly brewed k-cu or a freshly brewed carafe ♪ turn any day gourmet with folgers gourmet selections. ♪
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>> welcome back to perry a trul of the overpass and minnesota. the driver is going to be okay. the state department of transportation camera captured the remarkable incident in the town of little canada. the vehicle
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flies over the guardrail, twist mid air and lands in the holding, 40 ft. below. the driver a 64 year-old woman, was wearing her safety belt. she was conscious and she is in the hospital in fair condition. >> the state patrol stated that black ice might have caused this to go off the road. >> the time is 8:27 a.m.. we will talk about not have enough moisture and smoke. we're on the verge of drought like conditions. >> here is at live look outside at san francisco and other parts of the bay area. light drizzle and rain. more other parts of the bay area. light drizzle and rain. more on the fsafeway presentsp. real big deals of the week. or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, honey nut cheerios are just $1.88.
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that's a sweet deal. brew up a great cup for less. starbucks is just $6.99. and lean cuisine entrees are just 2 dollars each. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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>> welcome back. the time is 8:30 a.m..
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>> the drought is on. turn the water off. that is the message the local water officials are born to urge toward residence this morning. kron4 terisa estacio reports. >> this is how they plan to get this message out. there won't have advertisements like this. as you can say, these pictures emphasizes people to use less water. that will imply suggestions to not wash your car a lot to conserve. they're setting the juice to not let your water holes and just run.hose r >> we are waiting for some
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of the officials at this district to provide information for us. we want to share with you. we will have that coming up. >> in the north bay, kron 4 news. >> let's skip the latest with the commute. there have been issues and san francisco. >> we have been tracking a number of hot spots. the worst right now is into san francisco, the north of commute to the city from daly city on 280, northbound. south san francisco, 1 01 northbound. there was a earlier r occurring problem that had cleared but it is heavy congestion. we continued to attract delays at walnut creek interchange 46 fou 3e a te san ramon valley bride has also eased. there is plenty
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of a slowing for the corridor from san leandro through hayward. >> heading out, you are either going to deal with overcast skies or dense fog. the temperatures are warmer this morning in fact we can see a 12 degree jump periods there are a lot of 50s handed out by the afternoon it will be mostly cloudy conditions. clouds will remain a letter on tonight and we may see drizzle on the coastline. the temperatures are fairly mild. >> we do have the possibility to see sprinkles for the morning commute tomorrow and i will walk you to your extended forecast coming up. >> the time is 8:32 a.m.. a judge in santa clara county has ordered large paint companies to pay another $50
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million to remove lead paint from california homes. the payout is now up to up $1.5 billion spread the court found that sharon williamssherman sure whewin wil and other companies promoted paint that they knew was compote towards children. the money will go to help several bay area jurisdictions, including santa clara, alameda, san mattel, and so on the counties. >> a burglar got away with the least $100,000 in property after he hit a home in hills burke. the suspects told various items include acorns and jury from the master bedroom upstairs office and then he fled. an alarm system was installed at a long, however, it was
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not turned on at the time for it >> police in south they're seeking your help in identifying a bank robber. these are surveillance photos of the person police say is responsible for robbing five banks early november. two robbers were in san jose and one was in milpitas. the most recent one occurred monday. police said the suspect or risley just passed a note and showed a handgun. however, that suspect is now making threats. >> surveillance photos suggest a person is african american, between 20 and 30 years old. the suspect is anywhere from 54 to 5 ft. 7 in. tall and wears a black wig and dark sunglasses. what a suspect appears to be female, authorities are not sure. police are hoping their rewards offered to for the information will lead to an arrest. bank of america and wells fargo are offering
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will wars of the $5,000. >> daly city police are looking for a man who allegedly took cash and jury out of lockers at a 24 hour fitness and back in december. here are surveillance pictures of the suspect. he is described as a pacific islander or hispanic. he is said to be 6 ft. 2, muscular with tattoos on his right bicep and possibly on his neck. if you have any information, call and daly city police. >> the 49ers are up against a near mirror image this weekend in carolina. the carolina panthers are a team led by a dynamic and dangerous young quarterback and backed up by a stellar defense. kron4 sports director gary radnich spoke with hall of famer steve
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young about the similarities. >> he should take a look and then go. when he goes, if he has one to go, he will devastate teams. the teams he struggled again are like caroline and seattle. he may take a look, but he does not see it. this is the defense of kron that is different. this is the challenge and that's what seems like this are difficult. the nature of them. to win, a seattle, it will be similar. >> he has gotten a lot better. he has grown since leisure. he struck tried to manage this team. they stated that there are going to restate who they are. they're not a put the spotlight on cam newton
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anymore. they're going to be careful with him. there are a lot of hard work things towards came. this is exactly what the 49ers have done. you are looking at another table, very similar to the 49ers and strategy and how they approach the game. how they handle a quarterback. he has done good because a victory >> when they get into this game, they and lisa more, they take more risk. >> when i hear a sports. it looks like we were watering him. you can watch this whole interview right here on kron4 and 9:00 p.m. every
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thursday. they will give you insights from the game. >> the mayors of san francisco in charlotte have made a friendly wager over the forty-niners and panthers game. if the 49ers win, of charlotte mayor patrick cannon will have to wear 49ers gear at the u.s. conference of mayors later this month. if the panthers win, mayor ed lee will don panthers colors, and surrendered some sourdough and ghiradelli chocolate. >> they always make them from the. friendly. >> here's a live look outside at the traffic.
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>> i am and lost baggage check-in of the latest gadgets. this 105 in. tv. this is coming up in the gadgets. this 105 in. tv. this is coming up in the tech report. ♪ in touch with the ground ♪ i'm on the hunt, i'm after you ♪ ♪ smell like i sound, i'm lost in a crowd ♪ ♪ and i'm hungry like the wolf ♪ straddle the line, in discord and rhyme ♪ [ female announcer ] only yoplait light and yoplait greek 100 are endorsed by weight watchers. it is so good when you're on the hunt for something delicious. find yoplait original and light yogurt cups on sale now at your local safeway store.
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>>anny: some discouraging news about kids and fitness. many of them are not embracing the let's move mantra. the government's latest fitness that shows only one for kids in the u.s. are meeting the recommendations of an hour more of moderate to vigorous activity every day. a few of
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the children ages 12 to 15 did say they do at least an hour of exercise that raises their heart rate. researchers will call the results disappointing, but say there's some room for improvement. right now, 17 percent of the nation's children or about 12.5 million kids are considered obese. they are some of america's favorite little treats so why is there a push to make a change to m&m's? some parents say the coloring makes their kids hyperactive. now a petition has been launched to make the manufacturer just how can the gets its color which varies in different parts of the world. more than 140,000 people have signed an on- line petition calling on the candy company mars to remove article that artificial food coloring from m&m's. back in november, kraft took out the artificially low
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coloring contained in some of its products. marrs says it is exploring the use of natural color is street did >>darya: a live look from our roof camera over parts of san francisco. we will be right back. [ male announcer ] the more you lose, the more you se
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because for every 2 pounds y lose through diet and exercise alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. start now at ♪ female announcer: female announcer: get beautyrest, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic mattress sets, at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators and closeout inventory.
8:47 am
the year end clearance sale is on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ the international consumer and electronic show is happening now las vegas. the rich demura shows us more than 100,000 techies from around the world come to see what's next. >>: international c e s. the world's largest and technical that-international technological show. the stakes are high. but on display could be the next big thing. >>: this is where you find the next big technology. the
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next innovation. >>: this year tvs are super sized and curved. samsung is 105 and zero truck hdtv immerses you and the pitcher. $70,000. the picture quality is stunning and person. it's like having a movie theater in your house. china as well when wants to sell 80 million smart phones in the u.s. this year. >>: the phone has such a large batteries you can use it to charge your friends a dead phone. it takes panoramic sophie's. --
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selfies. we fixed a lot of problems. if not most of them. this to fresh reports back to your smart phones. maybe tells you you need to get their back molars. beautiful design is a must like this invisible speaker from clear few audio. >>: there really is so much to see here. and makes you want it all. the show does run through friday. if you want to check more of my coverage you cannot follow me on twitter. at the tech report that tv. an las vegas. , rich demuro. >>george: welcome back to the kron4 morning news street a star with a look at your ride through san francisco leading north
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bound on highway 101. as you can see traffic is still slow and most of the lanes for of this north bound ride and the backup is going to be with us for a while. and a set and i will switch over to the traffic maps to show you why things are so slow. because of the earlier a crime problems on 101 and the northbound direction. look at the back up. for back up into south san francisco. it's not going to clear any time soon. even though the planes have been real reopen for some time. looking also at the commute here on highway 680 in the southbound direction leading down to walnut creek coming out of concord traffic still backed up as some of the slowest traffic purses here on highway 880 and the southbound direction. through the corridor. we used to call with the fremont milpitas corridor
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but now the backup extent of away from san leandro down to milpitas on the ride through hayward union city and new work. your commute to the san mateo bridge has not seen any stopping go conditions this morning. a small commute with a 15 minute and root time across the span. >>: whatever to the weather center. here is their coverage >>erica: still dealing with foggy conditions here's a live look from our roof camera. starting to see some of that cloud cover break up. this is overlooking cathedral hill where we are seen temperatures warmer than average. san francisco right now 54. low 50s out the door in livermore so actually feels like a june day instead of a january day. we did see the fog and drizzle over this morning. a
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lot of that has already cleared. santa's 0 mi. and santa rosa and just half a mile driving around now. visibility has improved for the rest of the bay area and by later today will see upper 50s low 60s by 3 this afternoon. antioch 593 upper 50s for downtown san francisco. 61 your high and oakland. this week and they're very important play off the niners face off in north carolina kickoff is at 10 05 our time if you are headed there expect mostly cloudy conditions 20 percent chance. i think the cold front will be a fast mover so anything we do see what last very long just a direction of a couple hours. high pressure builds back and as we head into next week. in fact temperatures could be and the low 70's by early next week. that is a look at your bay area
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forecast. taking a look at tahoe care snowbound that comes the reports. alltime met owes a base of 20. kirkwood has they stopped at 22 in.. >>: at age 52. a quick update on some bay area sports. the raiders are apparently sticking with head coach the dennis allen. team owner mark davis confirmed the team's intentions yesterday after meeting with the coach. the move comes in the wake of speculation that the raiders will part ways with, following a 4-12 season. davis, allen and general manager of reggie mckenzie will meet today to discuss the future direction of the team. david lee had 22 points and 18 rebounds to lead the golden state warriors to their 10th straight game. a 101-80 victory over the milwaukee bucks last night. this is the warriors longest
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winning streak since their nba title season in 1975. stephen curry contributed 15 points as the klay thompson. the warriors, playing their sixth game of the seven city road trip led by just two at the half against the bucks who have the nba's worst record. the natural predators be san jose 3-2 last night for their first victory in four games. and joe of belsky-- joe pavelski and patrick marleau score for san jose which has lost two of three. the predators to control against the sharks by the predators to control againstheslitt angels builin stnes and ese ttlengels ild strength. anthat littlangesays, the predators to control againstheeeeeeee!"els builin stnes 60md thvaluyou
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check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear. remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
8:56 am
[ female announcer ] wherever morning brings you,
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bring the energy you need. nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. softly baked, made with hearty oatmeal and a drizzle of cinnamon. they're nature valley's take on a morning classic. because when you keep going, the morning can bring you to brand-new places. ♪ nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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start off and the weather center. here is an a. >>anny: we have a little bit of reso. the it looks like the dress of should be pretty much over for most locations. visibility in santa rosa up the down to zero. less than half an hour for napa. half moon bay one and a half miles otherwise most locations will clear. we have delays averaging almost 40 minutes because of that low visibility so we did see a little bit of a drizzle. very patchy. the fog also patchy as well. we have another system to watch. will talk more about
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that on your 7 day forecast. >>darya: 9 l2 right now another person killed on the streets in san francisco. in the sixth vehicle - pedestrian incident in the city in one week. and while the northeast and midwest are getting lots of snow and ice. it's a different problem here in the bay area where we are experiencing drought- like conditions. kron4's will tran has an update. >>: this man tried to make his way across van nest almost made it to. a few feet away from safety and that's when the car comes along as lambs right into him. here's video we got right after a hatband. at about 620 last night at the height of the evening commute to 3 van ness was very busy at that time. they don't know exactly what happened but we do know there was an argument with a
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person as well as the couple across the street after getting into a verbal confrontation. nothing physical. he tried to weave his desk-weed has a way. committed to the center median three he was safe. all he needed was a few more lines to go and then a few feet short of the sidewalk he didn't see the car. the car did not see him. driven by a woman and her 20 slams into him. shatters her windshield and sent him flying a few feet. the police got here and talked with a woman. she cooperated. he died at the same name not be released. all that we now is that he was a 38 year-old man. last night's incident was the third pedestrian death in san francisco since new years eve.
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two of the drivers have been arrested on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter. four other pedestrians have also been injured by cars in san francisco this year. new this morning. the drought is on. turn the water off. that's the message local water officials are urging toward residents this morning. kron four's terisa estacio reports. the message to turn your water off. they plan on getting that message out in the form of advertisements by this canvas you see here. as you can see these pictures all emphasized using less water. for example there's a picture that implied suggestion to wash your car less frequently to conserve water or use a eyedropper to water instead of letting a house just run. officials said with a record low rainfall in the north bay and across the state, the need to adjust their is an extreme
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need to conserve but how exactly bad is it. we are waiting for some of the officials here at the water district to provide some of that information for us so we can share with you and we will have that for you coming up a little bit later on the kron4 morning news. here and the north bay terisa estacio, kron 4 news. >>darya: in oakland this morning, investigators will release a photo of the vehicle believed to be connected to the death of a young man last summer. aya nakano was shot and killed after a fender bender in june of last year. just one day before his 23rd birthday. police now have a vehicle they think was involved in the collision leading up to the shooting. and the family is offering a 100-thousand dollar reward
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for information leading to an arrest. a lawsuit filed by the family of andy lopez. makes some new revelations about how long sonoma county sheriff's deputy erick gelhaus. waited, before fatally shooting the 13- year- old. according to the lawsuit, two witnesses to the shooting say, gelhaus ordered lopez to put down the toy rifle. and only waited three seconds, then fired it also claims gelhaus -- a deputy for 24- years -- fired -- quote -- in- discriminately. the attorney for gelhaus and the sonoma county sheriff's department. have not offered comment on the lawsuit but gelhaus did reportedly tell investigators he feared for his life because he thought lopez was armed with an a-k- 47. and not a toy. 907 right nowcoming up on the kron four morning news. amazing video out of icy roads in the midwest as a car * flies off an overpass.
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a closer look at the video coming up at 9:20. a camp damaged in the rim wildfire will reopen for campers this summer. we'll have an update on "camp mather" coming up. and a boy scout making headlines this morning. after sleeping 365 days in a tent. the reason behind his *camping adventures coming up after the break. we will
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910. this just in. a navy helicopter has gone down off the contra costa-set off the coast of north slope virginia. a search and rescue is currently under way. the navy tweeted that the helicopter went down. this is a developing story and we will have more information as it comes into our news room. >>darya: camp mather will reopen this summer after being damaged in the rim fire.
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the camp reports they "largely survived" the fire you see in this video that ripped through yosemite and
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stainislaus national forest in august. registration for campers is registration for campers is now open.and closes ♪ i'm on the hunt, i'm after you ♪ ♪ smell like i sound, i'm lost in a crowd ♪ ♪ and i'm hungry like the wolf ♪ straddle the line, in discord and rhyme ♪ [ female announcer ] only yoplait light and yoplait greek 100 are endorsed by weight watchers. it is so good when you're on the hunt for something delicious. find yoplait original and light yogurt cups on sale now at your local safeway store. then he wanted a little bit more of a challenge come winter.
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rudy spent several days piling up snow in his backyard and then digging a narrow tunnel leading to a small bedroom. sunday night, with outdoor temperatures at -23 degrees, rudy's thermometer read 7 above inside his shelter. he wears several layers of clothes and sleeps with a hot water bottle under his covers. he says he is used to the cold and can't imagine sleeping inside. rudy says he'll wrap up his year of sleeping outside next june. while traveling with his parents. he's slept outside on hotel balconies and in his aunt's backyard.
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continue to monitor a hot spot. all 101 and 280 north bound backed up for two hours and now after an early morning accident on the skyway jamming up the ride leading to the lower deck of backing up the and all central freeway this other freeway from daly city and traffic on 101 north bound at one time packed up all the way down to san bruno permit for delays persist here leading down from menlo park 101 southbound at willow. a vehicle fired their backing of the ride coming, carlos. the bridges look good though. no problems at the golden gate. no backup for the life of the westbound a ride in your san mateo bridge commute looks great as well with light traffic and 13 minute drive times heading towards foster city. with a check of the weather with andy and the weather center. >>anny: tracking a little bit of drizzle this morning creek flows locations rainout are dry just under cloudy conditions and maybe some of our roads could be
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perhaps a little bit west. i did pick up a little bit of a return here ride around a city and off a little bit in san francisco and perhaps over the bridge but again, it's really like to in nature. macy a little bit of a drizzle as well. a lot of this is a very light three most of it came early this morning. visibility also impacted because of the fact that we have some patchy fog out thereh bay. napa at 310. patchy fog is out there this morning. this afternoon expecting mostly cloudy conditions. it will feel a bit on this chilly side because of that. tomorrow a slight chance of rain sticks around. generally better chances and the north bay mainly in the morning once again i think. but a pretty light system and then we are looking at the possibility for some light showers potentially this week damp
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but no big rainmakers are and the forecast at all. right now temperatures are in the '50s and san jose 41 in santa rosa. here's a look at for satellite and radar picture reconsider a little bit of energy come through picking up some drizzle this morning. same deal for tomorrow. here's your futurecast 4 or you can see pretty much today mostly cloudy conditions. the bulk of the rain stena far north of us. better chances will be the north bay highs. highs today will be on the cool side. a lot of lower 60s today. our sunday game at charlotte temperatures will be around it 50s the low 60s for the kickoff 10:00 our time. mostly cloudy and it is some showers there. mr. kron 47 day around the bay forecast. temperatures of the ride around the globe to mid-60s for the next few days. our first chance of very light rain will be thursday morning and also potentially saturday and maybe sunday as well.
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time to talk winners and losers with our financial expert rob black take a look at this video. let's begin with twitter. they've been down. one analyst downgraded >>: ipos are very dangerous on in the first year. a couple reasons. we don't know how they trade and seasonal parts unless they are susceptible to upgrades and downgrades that we've never seen before. the investors who brought twitter public love the company. the bankers who did not like the company said it looks expensive compared to facebook google and others and that type of space. i like twitter story but it is expensive. it's plain up like two times for the price of a tesla when you can wait and get it and store it regular price. february 15th is the first lockup where insiders who bought the company for pennies on a dollar tip to sell for
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354050 bucks. they can buy houses they can buy cars. so, i would be very cautious on it until after that locked up. the downside is at $35 on selling my right arm on a day. and i'm buying twitter the 4550 it's expensive. >>: the other item that we have it is the jobs reports. we have special numbers come from the government but we have a 8 b.p. with their numbers and it looks pretty good read this is in your winners, today. >>: it is. jobs for the halfback story for 2013 and france have story for 2014. the more jobs we create, the more tax we create and a more consumer spending would create that gets people buying tv's a restaurant on vacations. waiters and waitresses pilots. it's a positive positive. again where with the new normal of and a wannabe. we will see
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its jobs report on friday to help confirm this. small numbers added to the big chunk of jobs. versus large companies. >>: we have comcast showing that more subscribers to growth. the first time happening in 26 months adjust a this is a loser. >>: one month doesn't make a trend. c e l is talking about we have a voice activated remote control. not good enough for me. i want more. and a demo he shows if you what the black list and you miss various other sold it will show you a check mark next to the one you've seen versus the one you've not three it confine writing to melt the time of is that everyone loves. to me, people under 30 is are tired of paying so much for capable. digital tv is up there now flexes out there to vote is out there. it seems problematic to me for comcast to stay relevant other than the fact that we
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have all the live sporting events. >>: and winners, we have a google against their shares hit a new all-time high. 100149 compared to what they ipo that years ago. quite some growth. >>: their trade in 30 times. i will buy it today. i will buy next year and a year after it it's cheaper than twitter. that's what i'm getting at. and cheaper than facebook. they have the history of getting in a field and dominated. they went from search and they you to the one into g mel. the be yahoo and female. they are being operating systems and microsoft. they have google docs that of google maps. anything they touch seems to touch-turned to gold. i like the company and of their companies are smart and young to have five choices of water. the have bubbly water grid they know
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how to retain employees. they have the google pot. the judge pods. memo thank- you rob once again at >>: don't forget you can always follow route on our web site kron4 dot com. good. good answer. check it out. learning's fun now. yeah, back in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet to play and learn online. all we had was that franklin fuzzypants. ah, the educational toy bear.
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remember when the battery went out? [ slow, deep voice ] give me your abc's. all i learned was a new definition of fear. i need some pudding. yeah, there's one left. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible.
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a truck flew off an overpass, landing in a pond in minnesota. the driver is going to be ok. a state department of transportation surveillance camera captured the remarkable incident in the town of little canada. the vehicle flies over the guard rail, twists mid-air and lands in the holding pond 40 feet below. the truck narrowly missed getting hit by oncoming traffic. the 54-year-old driver was wearing a seatbelt.
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she was conscious when helpe arrived and remains in fair condition at a hospital. the state patrol says black ice may be the cause of the crash. stuck on the east coast.and they can't get out. a 48 year-old woman from contra costa county has died from complications from the flu. county health officials said the woman had underlying health conditions in addition to being infected with the h1n1 virus. the woman's name is not been released. but we know she was one of 17 people under 65 years old and contra costa county to
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be hospitalized with the flu this season. it will be right back.
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a car is spinning out on the freeway due to the icy conditions. the arctic blast is easing
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its grip on much of the u-s today, giving way to warmer, but still very chilly temperatures in many places. at least 21 deaths are being blamed on the cold weather across the u-s. including seven people in illinois and six in indiana. though many flights are canceled in chicago, cleveland and detroit.the cold is starting to have less of an effect here in the bay. only three flights are canceled coming into s-f-o. weather has not caused any cancelations in oakland or san jose. nearly 500 scheduled flights were reportedly canceled today in other parts of the country. a judge in santa clara we are tracking some fog especially in the north bay.
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we have zero visibility of santa rosa down to three tents and now but in less than a mile for half moon bay. most of the drizzle is pretty much out of here. we are looking at storm tracker 4 and we can show you that we got just a little bit of a return just around the daly city and downtown san francisco. those spots. very light in nature. i don't expect the drizzle this afternoon just mainly cloudy conditions. we are tracking another round for some drizzle tomorrow and also for the weekend. we'll talk more about that coming back along with arson obama reports. first years of george. -snow bomb report. >>george: finally starting to see some improving but still unusual delays. a new problem with an accident in
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hayward is backing up traffic once again heading southbound on 880 in coming down from highway 238 getting past the 92 in jackson. the slow traffic persist until industrial. >>darya: 931. new this morning a judge in santa clara county has ordered large paint companies to pay another 50-million dollars to remove lead paint from california homes. the payout is now up to "one-point-one-five billion dollars." the court found that sherwin-williams, con-agra and other companies promoted paint they knew was harmful to children. the money will go to help several bay area jurisdictions, including santa clara, alameda, san mateo, and solano counties, plus and the cities of oakland and san francisco. a burglar got away with at least 100 thousand dollars
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in property after hitting a home in hillsborough. at least one suspect entered the home on the 300 block of alberta way by breaking a rear glass door with a patio chair. the suspect stole various items including coins and jewelry from the master bedroom and upstairs office then fled through the front door. an alarm system is installed at the home, however, it was not turned on before the burglary. police in the south bay are seeking the public's help in identifying a bank robber. these are surveillance photos of the person police say is responsible for robbing five banks since early november. two of the robberies were in san jose and one was in milpitas. the most recent robbery occurred monday. police say the suspect
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originally just passed a note and showed a handgun. however.that suspect is now making threats surveillance photos suggest the suspect is african american, and between 20 and 30 years old. the suspect is anywhere from 5 foot 4 to 5 foot 7 inches tall and wears a black wig and dark sunglasses. while the suspect appears to be female, authorities aren't so they have gotten conflicting reports from tellers. police are hoping rewards offered for information will lead to an arrest. bank of america and wells fargo are offering rewards up to 5-thousand dollars. crime stoppers is offering one thousand dollars. daly city police are looking for a man who allegedly took cash and jewelry out of lockers at a 24 hour fitness back in december. here are surveillance pictures of the suspect. he is described as pacific islander or hispanic.
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he is said to be 6 foot 2, muscular and has tattoos on his right bicep and possibly on the back of his neck. if you have any information, call daly city police. the 49ers up against a near mirror image this weekend in carolina. the carolina panthers are a team led by a dynamic and dangerous young quarterback and backed up by a stellar defense. kron 4's sports director gary radnich spoke with hall of famer steve young about the similarities between colin kaepernick and carolina's cam newton. you can see the rest of gary's interview with steve young tomorrow night on sports night live right here on kron 4 at 9.
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the challenge. that's what seems like this are particularly difficult just because of the nature of them. if seattle wednesday receive two teams and their roles very similar to themselves. i must give us your thumbnail sketch of cam newton. >>: he's gotten a lot better. he struggled last year trying to manage care i think it carolina panthers on with the 49ers did and they said look we are going to restate who we are. we're not going to put the spotlight on him anymore. every time we walked into a stadium is not about him. is about a ferocious defense especially the front seven. we are going to step back. we are going to be careful with them and save some of the heroic things until the end of the game. that's exactly what the 49ers have done historically since the jim harbaugh era. you're looking at another team very
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similar to that strategy and how they approach the game and how they've handled a young could dynamic quarterback and he's thrived because of it and the real question for me is as they get into these big games to the only shem or take more risk and it's a way they'll want to meet got them this it turns brown seeds and that they have a share. >>darya: steve young with some great insight. you can see a margaret every thursday night gary has a new sports show called sports night live. you'll have more on that interview and all kinds of of information on the big story which is the niners big game the division playoffs this week and with the panthers and in advance of that the mayors of san francisco and charlotte have made a friendly wager over the 49ers' playoff game with the panthers. if the niners win, charlotte mayor patrick cannon will have to wear niners gear at the u-s
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conference of mayors later this month. and must give san francisco mayor ed lee some of charlotte's famous barbeque pulled pork. if the panthers win, mayor lee will don panthers colors, and surrender some boudin sourdough and ghirardelli chocolate to mayor cannon. its cold out there in some parts of the country. so cold people are creating their own metaphors for the recent weather. we'll have some of our favorites coming up at 9:45. and do you think your job is stressful? coming up after the break we'll outline the most * stressful jobs of 2014.
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think your job is
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stressful? maybe you've made careercast-dot-com's top 5 list of the most stressful jobs for 2014 enlisted military is number one on the list.making an average of 28-thousand dollars a year. followed by military general.who make substantially more at 196- thousand. firefighters come in third.making an average of 45-thousand a year. airline pilots come in at four.making an average
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salary of 114-thousand. and number five.event planners.who make around 45- thousand a year. if you are looking for a job with a little less stress. audiologist, hairstylist, and jeweler will reportedly cause you the least stress in 2014.
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will come back to the kron4 morning news. the ride into san francisco and improving considerably but still much slower than usual. it's backed up along candlestick cause way here at the third just beyond the candlestick point 3280 has finally cleared out in the northbound direction on the peninsula we are still backed up into willow because of an earlier occurring car fire. but not yet cleared is an accident on the nimitz freeway southbound in hayward as industrial which is why the traffic is still backed up coming out of san leandro. for your commute to the bay bridge westbound it's been a light and easy ride all morning long. golden gate
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bridge is problem free and here's your book at the san mateo bridge for drive time is down to 13 minutes weather east bound are westbound grid say there's room for with punchlines.making light it's so cold that. people are filling twitter with punchlines making light of a freezing situation.that story's coming up. it's so cold that it seems just about everyone is reaching for a metaphor, a obscure factoid or descriptive term of epic proportions to tell everyone else just how cold it is. it's trending on twitter right now. here are some of our favorites as we show you more new pictures of people
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bundled up, dealing with the freezing reality. how about it's so's warmer in sochi, russia, than atlanta! and its true-- but to those who live in the a-t-l, that's completely unacceptable. and new york's central park has never been this cold-- on this date. it has, however, been colder on other dates. the lowest ever: 15 below zero in 1934. ok, your turn. tweet #its-so-cold with your punchline. add @kron-4-news in your tweet so we can see it! let's see what task national temperatures arm with an a. >>anny: the wind chill. we are improving. remember we had -50 -60 but we aren't creasing. green bay is warming up at -15 right now - 3 in minneapolis. this is what it feels like. seven degrees in new york state's - two in burlington and cincinnati 15 degrees. still very cold conditions but
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things will improve today and even through this weekend for this week and we may even see bombing. but we do have delays at sfo. ramos up to 40 minutes because of low visibility and also clouds. especially and the north ave. and now the santa rosa less than half a mile visibility. other locations are fine. we are seeing cloudy skies out there. a little bit of a drizzle. storm tracker for picking up a little bit of drizzle out just around the bay bridge perhaps. daly city. and if you parked along and not expect any major rain today or tomorrow. we are tracking a slight chance for maybe some drizzle over night and 2 tomorrow morning mainly and the north bay and we have showers possible for the weekend. again these are very light systems and are fast moving so no major weather makers are in the forecast for the next several days. temperatures
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are pretty mild as just about the door. 54 and san francisco. 42 degrees and and santa rosa your satellites and radar to reducing the clouds that have moved in along with the fog. we see a little bit of rain but very light in most locations. sfo picking up a trace of rain the any bit we will take. here's futurecast 43 much time is still clouded. of the vault of the wet weather still stained north of us. the system here how far south alike come? you'll see at 7:00 tonight the heaviest of will be and your rica. -- eureka/ mostly heading over to the east. by 6:00 tomorrow night will be looking at caught a conditions for it will clear out before the next system comes. 57 at downtown san
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francisco low 50s and san jose and a lot of upper 50s and vallejo. is your kron 47 day around the bay forecast. that is a morning drizzle. the next chance will be saturday potentially for sunday morning as well we are waiting for some snow and tahoe. futures ski reports. 0--here's your ski report. alpine meadows a base of 20 in.. squaw valley 21 and a base of 22 in. in kirkwood. our stanley roberts sits down one on one with marcus "the magnificent" malone. the once- homeless former band member of santana.
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whose story was seen around the world.. in part two of this series. stanley asks marcus some difficult life questions. in a story you'll only see on kron-4. i continued my conversation with marcus or asked him rather difficult questions. >>: you spent some time to the death and jailed. there are lot of questions which took place. >>: i went to jail for having an encounter with somebody that the thought of that i was doing something that i was not supposed to do. actually it happened on the fourth of july when the incident jumped off. i had drove into town from a recording session and went to a place where the whole band was supposed to meet their. the lady served me breakfast and all of a sudden the door comes off and demand was i guess the
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jealous or possessive about this woman. they had a restraining order on him and he attacked her. and he was brutalizing her so bad that i could not take it any more so when i intervened, he turned on me and attack to me and all i did was try to defend myself the best i could with the man was a professional wrestler and all this stuff. he almost killed me but i was able to handle myself pretty well and it turned into a terrible situation. >>: did you ever at one. give up and say you know what i can't go any more? >>: no. i never had any feeling of the giving up. i've always tried to do better and whenever i was trying to do. even and landscaping.i said if
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grasso's that such as grass grows and he creates it has to be good. >>: carlos can did you an envelope. what was inside? >>: i can't tell you exactly what it was but it was a wonderful surprise. >>: i bought some equipment and i helped my family out. >>stanley: it could in fact be a fairy tale ending but it's all up to marcus. we will discuss that next. in san francisco stanley roberts, kron 4 news. >>darya: 680 is looking good roberts, kron 4 news. >>darya:safeway presentsgood real big deals of the week.
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or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, honey nut cheerios are just $1.88. that's a sweet deal. brew up a great cup for less. starbucks is just $6.99. and lean cuisine entrees are just 2 dollars each. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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we will see you back here tomorrow morning. thanks for joining us. doctor phil is next.
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>> announcer: on an all-new "dr. phil." >> dr. phil: you call him fat, [bleep], [bleep]ing obese, [bleep]ing lazy. >> announcer: torn apart by weight. >> dr. phil: you have an eating disorder. your mom couldn't get you out of bed for three years. >> i scared, dr. phil. >> announcer: and big people bested. >> dr. phil: here's what she had at the hotel. >> seriously? >> dr. phil: you eat fried baloney? >> i fry it in canola oil. >> dr. phil: forget what i said then. >> dr. phil: let's do it. >> have a good show, everybody. here we go. >> dr. phil: i hate to see people suffering. you've hurt long enough. >> stand by, dr. phil. >> dr. phil: i'm going to get you the help you need. this is going to be a changing day in your life. >> go, dr. phil! [cheers & applause]


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